The Garden of Riches – by Rabbi Shalom Arush

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The Garden of Riches – by Rabbi Shalom Arush

A Practical Guide to Financial Success







5.5" x 8.5"



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The Garden of Riches – A Practical Guide to Financial Success by Rabbi Shalom Arush is the English-language version of B’Gan Ha’osher, a book that has become immensely popular in Israel. This an amazingly enjoyable, reader-friendly and informative guidebook for attaining an adequate, stress-free income and a debt-free life; this is no small blessing in light of the global economy crumbling all around us.
Rabbi Shalom Arush’s track record of helping people is no less than phenomenal. His internationally-acclaimed The Garden of Emuna has helped millions of people live better lives. His respective marital manuals for men and women – The Garden of Peace and Women’s Wisdom – have virtually deflated ballooning divorce statistics, both in Israel and abroad.
This book will undoubtedly improve your income too. Whether you’ve a professional, an independent businessperson, a salaried worker or a student, The Garden of Riches will surely become your trusty companion and practical guide to a pleasurable, worry-free livelihood.