Breaking Point

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Breaking Point

The Fabers were always “one big happy family” until their oldest son, Avrumie, It began with the little things–a smaller yarmulke, missing minyan, a new mode of dress. But soon Avrumie’s “little” issues erupt into big outbursts of anger and defiance, and






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A powerful, riveting novel with an important message.

The Fabers were always “one big happy family” until their oldest son, Avrumie, dared to challenge the fragile walls that held their lives together. It began with the little things–a smaller yarmulke, missing minyan, a new mode of dress. But soon Avrumie’s “little” issues erupt into big outbursts of anger and defiance, and the family is thrown into a whirlwind of pain, insecurity, and fear. When they can no longer ignore the issues, everyone has to learn to face the truth and find the strength to change and grow.

This novel explores the very real, very painful problem of youth at-risk in an open, sensitive manner. The well-drawn characters, the absorbing plot, and most of all, the clear messages, set this book apart, not only for its reading quality, but for its informative use.

A good tool for parents, teachers, friends, and teenagers who may be dealing with some of the issues brought to the forefront in this groundbreaking novel. Written with guidance from leading Torah authorities.